During an individual session, firm pressure and movements through doorways found in the muscles and bones work to wake up crystallized blocks. The client’s conscious breath into the doorway helps to release this stuck energy from the body and allow flow.

After a thorough opening of the heart, your body will communicate which areas are the most important for you to receive work in that moment.

This technique is one of the deeper works available.  The intention is to ‘hold a space’ for you to face yourself and allow anything to flow out that needs to. You are encouraged to feel anything that comes up into your experience, and express freely for the fullest opening. 

The openings continue to open after the session, and the experience integrates well after the session.

Based near Brussels, Belgium, Eric travels throughout Europe to work with people eager for growth.
Coaching sessions are available via video call.

Contact Eric for an individual hands-on or distance/video session.